To outline an agreed standard of behaviour for, and ensure compliance by, all club administrators, coaches, officials, players, parents and supporters.
This policy applies to all club administrators, coaches, officials, players, parents and supporters, regardless of age, at all times.
I will always play by the rules
I will never argue with an official. If I disagree with a decision I will inform the coach.
I will control my temper. I understand that verbal or physical abuse of officials, players and spectators, or deliberately distracting or provoking the afore mentioned are not acceptable nor permitted behaviours in any sport.
I will endeavour to be a positive role model at all times and encourage good sportsmanship by displaying courtesy and respect at all times, and by demonstrating a positive attitude towards the game, players, coaches, officials and spectators.
I will be supportive of the appointed coaches and officials, and abide by their instructions and decisions, recognising these individuals are volunteers giving of their own time, knowledge and experience for the benefit of all team and club members.
Baseball ia a team game. I will encourage team mates even when they make mistakes, remembering that every player makes errors and it is unacceptable to ridicule team mates or opponents.
I accept that at times I may be required to take a turn on the bench. When on the bench, I will encourage my team and be prepared to play at all times.
I will respect the equipment provided and remember that baseball equipment is expensive and should be used responsibly. Abuse of equipment will not be tolerated.
I will participate for my own enjoyment and not just to please parents and coaches.
I will refrain from the personal use or consumption, nor promote, nor tolerate the use or consumption of alcohol, tobacco or any illicit substance during practice or games by any member of the playing or coaching staff.
I will respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
I will thank the opposition and officials at the end of each game.
I will not use social media to discredit the sport, players, supporters, officials, clubs, associations or any other parties involved in the sport, whether directly or indirectly.
* Failure to abide by the Victoria Park Belmont Baseball Club's Code of Conduct may result in a breach. Any breach will be dealt with by the VPBBC Executive Committee and may result in suspension and/ or award ineligibility.
Effective Date 30/06/19
Approved by: VPBBC Committee